the new constitution

The New Constitutional Law of Kenya: Principles and Human Rights


On 27 August 2010, a new Constitution for Kenya was promulgated. The Constitution seeks to re-orient the country by establishing a robust dispensation for good democratic governance amenable to the exercise of human rights. This book is tailored to unveil to the reader the fundamental normative and institutional frameworks of Kenya’s new Constitution. Not only does it define key concepts in constitutional law, generally, it also details how the government in Kenya has been restructured and re-organized to give effect to the traditional principles that form the basis of constitutional law.

The Constitution of Kenya: Contemporary Reading


This book provides an in-depth assessment of the interface between constitutionalism and Kenya’s new Constitution. Focusing on the historical trajectory on the search for a new Constitution, Chapter One lays the groundwork upon which the fault line between constitutionalism and the issue areas are articulated in the other chapters in relation to the new Constitution. The superb chapters on the carefully selected issue areas, make this edited volume an essential read. The book makes an important contribution to the evolving constitutionalism and policy clarification on Kenya’s new Constitution. It is a welcome and timely intervention by legal scholars and practitioners on the new constitution and the challenges facing Kenya in its implementation.

Swearing by Kenya: The Unfolding of a New Constitution


Swearing by Kenya brings forth the virtues and vices, the far-reaching vision and narrow viewpoints, the truth, and lies, the struggles and defeats, that guided prominent men and women in what may be considered, so far, the most dramatic and exciting chapter of independent Kenya. This book is bound to stir some, annoy a few and make others rejoice; only the unthinking reader will remain untouched. Lumumba has managed to pen down historical and verifiable facts without judging or attacking the sacrosanct realm of the personal internal forum of the persons involved.

Demise and Rebirth of Parliament: A Kenyan Paradigm


Succinctly, the book examines the death of the Kenya Parliament under the former Constitution and its resurrection under the current Constitution. It falls into three parts: Part A examines the strangulation, Part B the resuscitation, and Part C the possible survival route. Specific themes addressed in the book include constitutionalism and the rule of law; separation of powers and institutional checks and balances; the centrality of Parliament and Speakership in national life; rules of procedure and precedents being as consequential as Parliament itself; role and relevance of the Opposition; selected features of the new Constitution; the way forward for the Republic; etc.