african law

Crime and Deviance


Criminology may simply be defined as the study of delinquency and crime as social phenomena. In its current use, the term refers to the study of the process of law-making, of breaking the law, and the societal response to delinquent criminal acts. This response includes within its scope, legal or non-legal or extra-legal producers of handling delinquents and criminal offenders as well as the methods devised for the prevention and control of delinquency and crime. The main objective of this book was to make available a simplified, readily available introductory reader not only for the students of criminology but also for the general reader who may be interested in the problems of crime, crime control, and prevention.

Criminal Homicide in Uganda


This research presents an analysis of the incidence, trends, and patterns of criminal homicide from among a sample of 484 cases committed between 1955 and 1966 in three districts (Ankole, Toro, and Kigezi) of Western Uganda. The primary source of the author’s data was the court files, both the district courts and the High court. These data were supplemented with personal interviews with village elders and policemen, newspaper reports, and other information. He also included an analysis of homicide among a number of other tribal groups in Uganda.

Employment Law Guide for Employers


Employment Law Guide for Employers provides a succinct account of employment law and industrial relations law from the employer’s perspective. The work is written in plain and engaging style making it easy for employers and all other persons to grasp the new developments in employment law and how the Industrial Court has interpreted the various provisions of law. This book provides the principal ideas and developments in both the statute and case law that are indispensable to every employer. Apart from employers, it is a suitable text for lawyers, law students, and employees.

Essays in Land Law in Tanzania


This is a book of essays on significant themes of the Land Law of Tanzania. The author’s argument is that law is an effective instrument for the articulation and implementation of state policies and political objectives. Throughout history, the land policy and land tenure were devised in order to facilitate plantation agriculture and peasant agriculture. In that pursuit, the state has consistently vested in itself extensive supervisory powers over land.

General Principles of Law of Contract in Tanzania


The approach adopted by the authors in presenting their work is quite appreciable. There is an analysis of the relevant rules at the beginning followed by a reference to decided cases, both local and foreign cases. Further, a unique feature of this book is that at the end of each chapter there are short review questions, problem questions, and multiple-choice questions that will be of immense benefit to prepare for the examinations.

Intellectual Property Law in East Africa


The text deals primarily with the law relating to intellectual property protection in Uganda. With respect to copyright, it considers the developments from the pre-colonial period to the current period and takes into account international developments that influenced the current law, the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 2006. Relevant international legal instruments are also analyzed. The text then examines design law from a historical and current position enshrined in the Industrial Property Act, 2014 (IPA). There then follows a discussion of the background and nature of patent protection based on the IPA focusing on the requirements for protection, ownership, infringement, defenses, and remedies. A similar approach is adopted with regard to trademarks but with the focus being on the Trade Marks Act, 2010 and the related and alternative legal protection under passing off which emphasizes the protection of the goodwill in a trade. Throughout all the chapters reference is made to the corresponding Kenyan and Tanzanian laws and relevant cases in order to give the reader a regional appreciation of the subject.


Land Law and Conveyancing: Principles and Practice


This book is intended to be a clear and practical guide to readers on the principles of land law and conveyancing in Kenya. The authors have made a deliberate effort to discuss principles of land law and conveyancing in the context of the Kenyan legislative framework. In instances where comparative jurisprudence from other jurisdictions are discussed, the discussion is only meant to reinforce a principle that is already recognized or being enforced under the Kenyan legislative framework. Because of this focused approach, the authors attempt to take readers through a journey of the various stages of development that the Kenyan legislative framework on land and conveyancing have taken, while critiquing each stage of legislative development.


Latin Texts and Maxims Contextualised in Court Decisions


Latin Terms & Maxims Contextualized in Court Decisions is a book whose time has come. It neatly complements the study of law and demystifies, the terms and maxims used by courts and authors as if the said terms and terminologies are public knowledge. The contextualization of the Latin terms and maxims in recent court decisions is an appropriate and refreshing mind opener. Now, the study of law is much more enjoyable. It is a must-have book, for any person interested in a more in-depth appreciation of the spirit of the written law.

Litigating Human Rights in African Institutions: Law, Procedures and Practice


Africa is a continent with a myriad of courts working both jointly and severally in their endeavors to promote and protect human rights at various levels of the justice machinery. These courts have several similarities as well as differences, basically reflected in terms of their guiding principles, procedures, and practices. These diversities warrant the need to have a publication of this nature – that is, a publication that sets out the underlying legal instruments, principles, procedures, and practices obtaining in these cases. This will enable the users of these courts to have a clear understanding of the respective roles of these courts in the promotion and protection of human rights in their respective jurisdictions.

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