africa law

Criminal Homicide in Uganda


This research presents an analysis of the incidence, trends, and patterns of criminal homicide from among a sample of 484 cases committed between 1955 and 1966 in three districts (Ankole, Toro, and Kigezi) of Western Uganda. The primary source of the author’s data was the court files, both the district courts and the High court. These data were supplemented with personal interviews with village elders and policemen, newspaper reports, and other information. He also included an analysis of homicide among a number of other tribal groups in Uganda.

Essentials of Criminal Procedure in Kenya


Written in a clear, concise, and engaging style this book presents the entire criminal process in a simple, yet authoritative and informative way. The core principles that underpin the criminal procedure, their rationale, and assumptions are well articulated and critiqued. In addition, the book presents by way of illustration a comprehensive range of the latest local judicial decisions. The author’s triple heritage as a defense lawyer, state prosecutor, and university lecturer makes the book stand out as well-informed and balanced work. More importantly, the author presents some practical proposals for reform of the criminal procedure, informed not in the least by the dictates of our new Constitution.

The New Constitutional Law of Kenya: Principles and Human Rights


On 27 August 2010, a new Constitution for Kenya was promulgated. The Constitution seeks to re-orient the country by establishing a robust dispensation for good democratic governance amenable to the exercise of human rights. This book is tailored to unveil to the reader the fundamental normative and institutional frameworks of Kenya’s new Constitution. Not only does it define key concepts in constitutional law, generally, it also details how the government in Kenya has been restructured and re-organized to give effect to the traditional principles that form the basis of constitutional law.