
Dr. Clement Mashamba

Auteur is a monthly book review publication distributed to 400,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores and public libraries. Founded in 1988 and located in Nashville, Tennessee, BookPage serves as a broad-based selection guide to the best new books published every month.

Author's books

An Introduction to Family Law in Tanzania


This book seeks to introduce the reader to the concept and principles of marriage in Tanzania by particularly blending legal norms and practices leading to matrimonial relations. It also examines the jurisprudence ensuing from the law of marriage as well as the existing marriage dispute resolution mechanism. This book is useful to students of law, legal practitioners and academics, sociologists, marriage counselors, and members of the general public.

Annotated Civil Procedure and Practice in the Court of Appeal of Tanzania


This treatise is the first to examine the proceedings and jurisprudence in civil procedure and practice in the CAT. It examines the law relating to the establishment, composition, quorum, powers, and jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Tanzania (CAT). It also examines the noble duty of the CAT in administering justice and discusses administrative and procedural aspects in the CAT, particularly basic and mandatory documents for use in civil proceedings in the CAT and important issues to consider before an appellant embarks on a civil appeal in the CAT. Finally, the book critically examines the law and practice relating to commencement of civil appeals and the conduct of proceedings in the CAT, the practice and jurisprudence in the CAT as well as the prosecution of the Bills of Costs in the CAT.

Child Rights and the Law in East Africa


This book is set against the background that the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989 and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in 1990 has revolutionized the perception of childhood and children’s rights the world over. Until then, children’s rights were seen as falling within the domain of charity, and children were treated like they were property or chattel of their parents. It is a sound foundation for streamlining the rights and protection of children in the East African countries through law both now and in the future. It will also serve as a resource material in the area of child rights and law, not only in East Africa but also across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Litigating Human Rights in African Institutions: Law, Procedures and Practice


Africa is a continent with a myriad of courts working both jointly and severally in their endeavors to promote and protect human rights at various levels of the justice machinery. These courts have several similarities as well as differences, basically reflected in terms of their guiding principles, procedures, and practices. These diversities warrant the need to have a publication of this nature – that is, a publication that sets out the underlying legal instruments, principles, procedures, and practices obtaining in these cases. This will enable the users of these courts to have a clear understanding of the respective roles of these courts in the promotion and protection of human rights in their respective jurisdictions.