In January 2020,the World Bank published its findings on a Jobs Strategy for Inclusive Growth for Uganda. The World Bank’s findings were significant given that Uganda has the second youngest population in the world. The report estimated that for Uganda, the working age population will have increased by 13 million by 2030.The report demonstrated that there is enormous pressure for the existing jobs and that the country must adapt quickly to create more productive jobs in order to benefit from its demographic dividend.The proposed strategy should have been classified as urgent because the current working population of about 11 million Ugandans, largely remains stuck in subsistence agriculture whose productivity is low. Also, because a prior study, a 2016/17 Uganda Bureau of Statistics survey aimed at mapping the country’s manpower, indicated that the country’s formal employment sector was small, albeit growing.The survey indicated that by 2015 there were 1,000,000 employees in formal employment, up from 700,000 in 2010. In job terms, in both the private and public sector, there were 815,500 jobs existing in 2015. Further to this, the survey found that the education sector, excluding tertiary institutions was the largest sector accounting for 54% of employees.The trade and repairs sector accounted for 12%, the manufacturing sector accounted for 6%, other services accounted for 4% while the financial and insurance sector accounted for 3% of employees.
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